
CRM的基本精神與實施 by馬智宏

一、 何謂客戶關系管理(CRM)?
◆CRM是英文Customer Relationship Management的縮寫。

二、 為什麼要開發客戶關系管理(CRM)?
1. Internet 改變了傳統的商業模式
(1) 客戶接觸方式
(2) 銷售方式
(3) 客戶服務方式

2. 客戶的期望值和需求越來越高
(1) 更好的產品與服務
(2) 隨時隨地的訪問
(3) 更便捷、更快速…

3. 短缺經濟向過剩經濟過渡

4. 壟斷經營向市場經營過渡

5. 從產品銷售轉向關系銷售

6. 3P(Product, Pricing, Promotion) aCRM

7. 永遠的商業驅動力

三. 客戶關系管理(CRM)的基本精神
(1 )什麼是客戶關系管理的基本精神?
方便(convenient)、親切(care)、個性化(Personalized)、立即回應(Real-time)即縮寫為CCPR(1) 讓客戶更方便(Convenient)要讓客戶更方便、更容易地取得企業的服務,就象住宅巷口的小店,想要什麼東西和服務可以隨時取得。

(2) 對客戶更親切(Care)這一點特別要注意。在實施CRM的過程中,如果過分重視科技和自動化,使得企業與客戶接觸的界面成了冰冷的自動販賣機,這就糟了。應該是人的"用心"和高新科技的結合,使顧客感到更親切。

(3) 個性化(Personalized)企業要把每個客戶當作一個永恒的寶藏,而不是一次交易,因此,必須了解每一個客戶的喜好與習慣,并適時提供度身定制的個性化服務。

(4) 立即回應(Real-time)企業對於客戶行為,必須透過每次接觸不斷學習,并且很敏感地立即回應。

四. 客戶關係的基本知識
1. 客戶關係的類型
(1) 基本型:銷售人員把產品銷售出去就不再於客戶聯係(賣冰棍)

(2) 被動型:銷售人員把產品銷售出去并鼓勵遇到問題或有意見時和公司聯繫(賣手機,移動通訊服務)

(3) 負責型:銷售人員在產品售出後聯繫客戶,詢問對產品和服務的意見,使之更符合客戶需求(賣電腦)

(4) 能動型:銷售人員不斷的聯系客戶,提供有關改進產品及服務要求信息(賣Unix服務器)

(5) 伙伴型:不斷的和客戶共同努力,幫助客戶解決問題,實現共同發展(賣解決方案)

五. 如何實施CRM? 五步曲
1. 統一思想認識,建立相應項目組織機構;
2. 明確企業戰略(定目標,找差距、尋類比);
3. 組織構架重組(以客戶為核心,市場為理念調整部門職責)
4. 調整工作流程(依據新構架,調整相適應的工作流程)
5. 選擇CRM軟件(新的工作流程需要先進的流程管理/客戶關係管理工具來支持)

六. 實施步驟 分為兩個階段:

七. 項目成功關鍵因素
1. 最高管理決策層的堅決支持;
2. 各部門的密切合作,理解和支持;
3. 業務管理人員的直接參與;
4. 業務骨幹的全時參與;需要業務骨幹的全時全程參與,并保持連貫性,避免頻繁換人。
5. 全員參與和上下的溝通。注意CRM體係建設理念在整個企業範圍內的溝通,形式可以有內部溝通雜誌,郵件,研討會等,以及時獲得反饋,使實施航運公司的CRM建設成為整個企業共同關心的問題。

八、 客戶關系管理的目標
1. 提高經濟效益
(1) 提高市場競爭力
(2) 留住老客戶,拓展新客戶
(3) 關注和發現利潤區

2. 密切客戶關係
(1) 與客戶成為伙伴型關係
(2) 進而結成客戶聯盟

3. 提高客戶的滿意度和忠誠度
(1) 提供多個渠道的客戶服務方式:網絡、電話呼叫、上門服務等,為客戶提供最大的方便;
(2) 加快客戶請求的響應時間;
(3) 為所有客戶需求建立一致性的聯系方式
(4) 針對性的客戶

九. 項目實施的成功經驗
1. 組織要落實
2. 計劃要落實
3. 經費要落實
4. 技術要落實
5. 監督和反饋要落實

Embracing New Media To Reach Customers By Chuck Sink

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, My Space and others are a new frontier in marketing opportunities. People offer demographic information online that can be used by sales and marketing people to target precise audiences in an intimate and familiar setting. But best practices are still yet to be defined.

As traditional media continues to lose audiences, businesses are increasingly focused on new media formats, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, to connect with customers. The goal should be to reach your precise target audience.

New media allows marketers to activate the interested and turn them into campaigners for products and services. Advocates drive success. You may have the shiniest needle in the haystack, but without help, few will notice your podcast, blog, or Flash-enhanced Web site.

Once noticed, however, the best in any category will be discussed among the most passionate talkers and bloggers in that field. The trick is to learn where those people "hang out" and give them some-thing worth talking about (and forwarding to fellow aficionados).

Viral Marketing
How do you make viral marketing work for you? A good example is the Blendtec blender. The company's home blender sells for about $400 retail--a huge premium considering that most decent blenders sell for about $50. This is one tough blender, though. Tom Dickson, CEO of Blendtec hadn't even heard of YouTube in late 2006 before his marketing manager, George Wright, decided to try a viral marketing stunt by posting a few homespun videos on the Internet. Dickson actually became the main character in the "Will it blend?" videos.

In a matter of weeks, spending under $100, Blendtec generated rabid interest in its blender and increased sales dramatically because millions watched the company's YouTube videos.
The viral campaign worked like magic. Thousands of people rushed out to purchase a $400 Blendtec when a $39.95 Hamilton Beach blender would make just as fine a smoothie. In 2006, Blendtec sales were well under $10 million. By 2007, Blendtec sales exceeded $40 million. That astronomical growth resulted from giving the marketplace something unique, compelling and remarkable (as well as funny) to spread around.

E-Mail Marketing
E-mail marketing is almost like free direct mail. I'm a traditional salesman by trade, building business by cold calling, appointment setting, presenting, and bidding. That is the old way. Firms that make effective use of e-mail marketing may find they rarely make cold calls because they're too busy helping prospects and clients who call them instead. Your firm's e-mail list needs to be a high priority and treated like gold. An electronic newsletter can deliver high value to customers and potential customers. Request permission of every business contact to send them a newsletter and rarely use the list to promote yourself. Deliver value-based content that readers can use. They will remember this when in need of your services.

Here I Am!
Smart companies are shifting marketing dollars to the precise marksmanship of search engine marketing campaigns and search engine optimization (SEO). Organic search engine optimization is a complex process of convincing Google, Yahoo!, MSN or other search engines that your Web site is among the most relevant and respected sources to find information or products by key word searches. The search engine's goal is to deliver the most relevant and prominent Web sites to those conducting a search.

Effective SEO requires good key word strategy, consistent analytics, resubmission and reciprocal link-ability with other relevant sites. A relatively modest monthly or annual investment in a Web administrator's time or a paid SEO service can help move your Web site search rankings up significantly enough to be found by that precise target audience.

My Space or Yours?
Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, My Space and others are a new frontier in marketing opportunities. People offer demographic information online that can be used by sales and marketing people to target precise audiences in an intimate and familiar setting. However, the bounds of appropriate contact with Facebook and other sites' users are still in question and best practices are yet to be defined. There are paid advertising opportunities on many of the social networking sites that can be effective with results that are easy to measure and track. Many organizations are having great success interacting with their target audiences by courting an active group of followers and having a constant discussion going on their pages.

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